Is Ordination Life Changing?

Straight Talk

The Question

How is life different after ordination?

MC from the United States

The Answer
Part 1: Heart Change

Heart Change

I’m curious about why you ask and yet there is nothing more to the question. Are you thinking about being ordained? Have you already been and wonder what to expect? Since you don’t say I’m going to take the opportunity to answer it my own way and hope it hits the mark.

The Bible first mentions ordination in reference to Aaron, the brother of Moses. God wanted his line to be set-aside as priests unto the Lord. “’And you shall put them (meaning specially made tunics) on Aaron your brother and on his sons with him; and you shall anoint them and ordain them and consecrate them, that they may serve Me as priests.’” (Exodus 28:41)

This initial passage gives us a good view of what ordination is and why it is. It is an official and usually public commissioning setting aside or consecrating someone specifically for God’s work and service. Some level of spiritual authority is normally vested to the person being ordained. Quite often ordination is performed by one with greater spiritual authority through the laying on of hands.

How might life be different after ordination? Well, consecration itself makes a difference. This is not a human call to a secular career. Ordination implies it is God’s call and that is so much more serious. Think of the responsibility!

Here are some things that may change:

  • The call to holiness is heightened by anyone representing God or fulfilling a divine mission.
  • People look up to one who is ordained as a role modal and that will mean greater scrutiny.
  • Ordination carries a need for accountability to higher authorities in the spiritual realm. Those who want to be lone wolf mavericks won’t do well with this.
  • Servanthood needs to be embraced and that makes the walk all the tougher.

Finally, think of ordination as a public confirmation of a work that was first sealed in the spirit of the one God called for his own purposes. The changes that come about through the actual ceremony (like title change or position) are small in comparison to the work of the Lord in the heart.


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