The Question:
If I’m saved and my husband is not, do I tithe on my income or on both of ours?
– Sherry – City unknown
Part 1: Expand the blessing if you can
Expand the blessing if you can (Part 1)
The answer is: it depends. There are questions to ask first. For instance, would your husband object if you tithed on his income? If he objects you may certainly not override that.
Perhaps you are in a position to tithe on both incomes without his knowing at all because you are the one in control of the family finances. I would not suggest you do that unless your husband literally does not care how the money is handled.
The best option is to discuss it with him, and tell him that you suggest tithing for him along with your own gift to the Lord. Even if he is not saved he can reap great spiritual blessings from doing so. There are non-Christians who have decided to tithe because they are aware of the spiritual law operating which they have access to even as unbelievers.
Giving always produces great results, usually more than we expect. No matter how much we give, we cannot out give God. Tithing is not an obligation as much as it is an opportunity. “Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Perhaps if you explain it to your husband in those terms he would gladly agree to tithe on his own income also. If the answer is no, simply continue to tithe by yourself, and do so with great joy. As time goes along, you may be able to revisit the issue with your husband. Maybe his heart will have softened, or he will see the great blessing in your life as a couple from what you give.