Why do we refer to Jesus as the son of David?

What is the hidden manna?

The Question: God says that he will give the “hidden manna” to the overcomer. What does it mean actually? What does the hidden manna refer to? Does it refer to hidden mysteries of God as a few say? JC from India The Answer Part 1: A meal for the future...
Why do we refer to Jesus as the son of David?

Women can’t wear trousers?

The Question: I believe that culture should be respected but any culture that is anti-bible should be discarded. Deuteronomy 22:5 says that women may not put on trousers. Why is it then that almost every Christian claims the promises of the Old Testament but fails to...
Why do we refer to Jesus as the son of David?

Is “Prosperity Preaching” Off Base?

The Question: Why and when did prosperity preaching take the place of preaching the CROSS? It appears to be a humanist (all about self) teaching. I could go on and on but the word of God speaks for itself on the matter. – Stan, City unknown The Answer Part 1:...