by Barbara Lardinais | December 11, 2023 | Straight Talk
The Question: If a Pastor sins due to immorality and then repents couldn’t he be restored back to the pulpit? I’ve heard both sides on this issue. 1 Timothy 3 says he must be above reproach or his public ministry would be compromised and a stumbling block...
by Barbara Lardinais | October 9, 2023 | Straight Talk
The Question: My husband will have an ordination next week and I need to know what is the role of a pastor’s wife? – M. from Hearne, TX The Answer Part 1: Limitless possibilities Part 2: Don’t be intimidated Limitless Possibilities (Part 1) Looking...
by Barbara Lardinais | January 2, 2023 | Straight Talk
The Question How do you deal with church members who act funny with you? What do you pray about? They over-look you and act as if they don’t want to be bothered with you. Personally, it bothers me. Should it? CW from City Unknown The Answer Part 1: Growing...
by Barbara Lardinais | December 26, 2022 | Straight Talk
The Question: I have been a Southern Baptist all my life. In the past few years, through bible studies, I have discovered that there is “more” out there than I have ever thought. After an experience last summer, my personal prayer closet became VERY real....
by Barbara Lardinais | December 19, 2022 | Straight Talk
The Question: What is “spiritual abuse”? I feel a little uncomfortable at my church because it seems like everything is rules, rules, rules. Several families have left citing that as their reason. How can I tell if that is what’s going on? –...