How to treat sister after divorce

How to treat sister after divorce

The Question: My sister, who very recently divorced her husband of 30 years, announced she had fallen in love with another man. She is hoping we will be able to accept him into our family. I want to respond in a Christ-like manner, especially if she brings him to...
How to treat sister after divorce

Stay together for kids?

The Question: My husband had an affair with a co-worker over a two year period. He still works with her and says they are not together anymore. He is not a “changed” man. Do I stay with him or do I need to move on? We have no relationship now and I am...
How to treat sister after divorce

Can children be overprotected?

The Question Do you think children can be overprotected? – Amy from Michigan The Answer Part 1: Consequences of Overprotection Part 2: Balance and Communication Consequences of overprotection (Part 1) The short answer is YES; I sure do think children can be...
How to treat sister after divorce

Mom needs a break

The Question: My husband I have two small children. He works full-time and I work one day a week. He is also very involved with our church. I feel like I don’t even have time to take a breath let alone read my Bible every day. I have been getting more and more...
How to treat sister after divorce

Divorce Affecting Teen

The Question: I am fifteen and about ready to experience my dad’s second divorce. Financial hardships, loss of social interactions as a result of moving, and emotional stress are really weighing me down. I know God is using this for my benefit but the problems are...