Slain in the Spirit

Slain in the Spirit

The Question: I was raised in a church that didn’t know anything about speaking in tongues or being slain in the spirit. I really did not believe it. Then I attended a Pentecostal church. At the time, I had uncontrolled blood pressure and heart problems but no one at...
Slain in the Spirit

Quenching the Holy Spirit

The Question What does quench not the Holy Spirit mean – 1 Thessalonians 5:19? LT from Paterson, NJ The Answer Part 1: Throwing a wet blanket on God’s Spirit Throwing a wet blanket on God’s Spirit Let’s read the scripture in its context to see if we can...
Slain in the Spirit

Discernment: Sharing

The Question I read your article about discerning of spirits and I have a question. How do you go about telling a person what you’ve seen and discerned about them without seemingly being a flake? – C. From Oklahoma The Answer Part 1: Discerning wisely Part 2: A...