by Barbara Lardinais | December 18, 2023 | Straight Talk
The Question: I am in college and my professor showed a film called “The Longest Hatred”. It said that anti-Semitism started with the Christian Church and that the New Testament of the Bible fueled anti-Semitism in Europe. I don’t believe those...
by Barbara Lardinais | September 27, 2021 | Straight Talk
The Question: Is Zionism wrong? Why are so many Orthodox Jews against this movement? – DS from Northern Ireland The Answer Part 1: Israel becomes a nation once again Israel becomes a nation once again (Part 1) My goodness, what a can of worms I opened when I...
by Barbara Lardinais | July 19, 2021 | Straight Talk
The Question: The Bible appears to say that God favors the Jews. But why would He favor them since they don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah? I thought He would favor Christians? – M. From Maryland The Answer Part 1: Favor with a purpose Favor with a purpose (Part...
by Barbara Lardinais | February 3, 2020 | Straight Talk
The Question Most people I know dislike Jews, not for what was mentioned in the article (the reader is referencing my article Why Are The Jews Hated?) but because they are hands down the cheapest, most selfish people we know. I personally am half Jew and I can tell...
by Barbara Lardinais | May 1, 2017 | Straight Talk
The Question: How do the Jewish people handle the anti-Semitism, knowing what people think of them? -CB from Summerfield, Florida Why is the Jewish religion less than 1% of the world population? -AD from the United States The Answer Part 1: Who is a Jew? Part 2: Jews...