
Wake Up Call

time-piece2My wrist watch battery is nearly dead. I know that because I often wake in the middle of the night and press the stem in and it lights the watch face. But now it gives just a quick flash, and then off again. The second hand is still marching around the clock for me so I keep ignoring the inevitable. Why don’t I go to the jeweler NOW, before the watch is completely dead? Procrastination – that’s why.

Do you have that problem? Isn’t it annoying? Your mind keeps nagging you to do something that you know needs to be done and that you wish were done but you keep on not doing it. There’s a wrestling match going on with guilt and frustration cheering on the side of continuing to procrastinate.

Even though most of us procrastinate about one thing or another we should be very careful not to procrastinate with God. When God tells us to do something we shouldn’t linger or waver. Is he saying you need to read and study his Word? Is he saying he wants you to talk things over with him in prayer every day? Did he say to leave your current career and follow him in a new one? Has he asked you to give a large gift to some ministry?

I can tell you from experience that God has a very persistent voice and there will be very little peace until you finally just do what he told you to. So why wait? Go ahead and get it over with. Don’t procrastinate.



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