Monday After Sunday – Romans 6:4

Wake Up Call

Easter Sunday is a day of victory. The traditional greeting in church goes; “He is risen!” and returned with “He is risen indeed!” We exalt in the knowledge that because Jesus rose from the dead he has secured victory over death for every one of his followers. On Easter Sunday we feel filled with faith, joy, and triumph.

Then comes Monday. Sunday is the mountaintop and Monday is often the valley. On Sunday all things are possible and on Monday doubt creeps in. Monday is the daily routine; Monday is where the rubber meets the road and the road is often bumpy.

How do we keep Sunday alive when Monday comes along? How do we obey the command given by Paul in Romans 6:4; “…just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. How do we walk in newness of life when life becomes old and stale and troubles surround us like storm clouds?

I think we need to remember that Sunday is great for relaxation and enjoyment but Monday is where we earn our living. It is in the struggles, temptations, disappointments and doubts that our spiritual mettle is tested and that we make real progress toward the goal that; “you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:4)

Jesus had to endure Friday before Sunday came. Because he did that we get Sunday free. Remember that the next time Monday tries to drag you down.



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