Promises, Promises – Numbers 23:19

Wake Up Call

All of us know that every promise made is not always a promise kept. If we are honest we realize that even we are guilty. Sometimes we break promises through unanticipated circumstances; through laziness or maybe because of sin and rebellion. Of course it is easier to remember the promises others break instead of the ones that we break.

We end up in the same place however: every promise made is not necessarily a promise kept. But wait a minute! There is an exception to that rule. Listen to this: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good” (Numbers 23:19)?

Every word of scripture is a promise of God and you can take every word to the bank. When we stand in eternity at His throne we will realize that He really did all He said He would do and He stood by His word in every instance. (On earth there will be times when that truth is shrouded in mystery.)

There are also promises that God has made to us as individuals and some of them appear to be beyond hope because of time or circumstances. Have YOU been waiting a very long time for a promise of God to come to pass? Have you put it on the back burner or buried it deep inside a disappointed heart?

If God said it He will do it! Don’t give up. Continue to trust in the One who makes ALL His promises come true.


1 Comment

  1. Andrea Santoro

    I wept, when I read this. Who am I ? , Who are we ? to mean so much to our REDEEMER?
    What is man to HIM?
    I humbly consider it a privilege to serve OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! I am so grateful and will never EVER forget how HIS promises are kept and how loyal HE is!!!


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