The Hand I’ve Been Dealt – Psalm 138:8

Wake Up Call

Go figure. I just heard some wisdom I can use from a politician. A pundit was asking this man to justify himself for a particular political strategy. He responded: ‘I believe you have to play the hand you have been dealt.’ He went on to say that he made his decision based on an assessment of reality as he saw it.

I don’t favor this guy but I do admire his attempt to make the best of things. I got to thinking: do I always accept playing the hand that has been dealt me? Honestly, no. Sometimes I throw the hand down and whine and complain about it. Sometimes I resentfully refuse to play for a while. Instead of making the best of whatever circumstance in my life, sometimes I throw a tantrum.

Oh, as I think of it I feel a little ashamed of myself. I believe with all my heart “that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Yet when things are not to my liking I pray my hardest for a new hand.

My life would be improved if I looked upon every ‘hand’ as an opportunity. Even the worst of circumstances can be redeemed and the right attitude is a good starting point. In the end, “The Lord will accomplish what concerns me” (Psalm 138:8).

God knows what He is doing. I need to play what I’m dealt. When God is the Dealer, they’re all winning hands.



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