Increasing Faith

Wake Up Call

Beware if you suspect that God is working on increasing your faith. Especially beware if you have been bold enough to ask him to increase your faith. If that is the case you are probably in for a rough ride until you get to the other side. Faith usually increases where need is – where adversity is. After all, if everything in your life is perfectly in order, how would you demonstrate faith and why would you need it?

But we actually need faith for another reason. Hebrews 11:6 tells us; “And without faith it is impossible to please him.” Impossible? Am I hearing right? That’s a pretty big statement from God to us. Yes, God must have faith from us. It starts with believing him in the first place. The remainder of that scripture says; “for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”

After that critical initial step, faith needs to grow and it grows best in the ground of affliction. Unemployment. Infertility. Illness. Unfair treatment. Exhaustion. Separation. Expensive car repairs. Death of a loved one. Every adversity in your life is an invitation to faith. God is inviting you to step up to the next rung on the faith ladder. Try to look at your troubles from that new perspective. So if you are in the midst of a great trial now, rejoice instead of complain. Do that and you will greatly please him!


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