Last weekend I was in our nation’s Capitol. The Cherry Blossom Festival was still on and there were lots and lots of visitors everywhere. It was a wonderful time in every way even though tears often welled up in my eyes.
What was so emotional for me was the sense I had as I laid my hand on the stone of a monument such as the Lincoln Memorial or the Washington Monument. I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming gratitude to God for this country and our spiritual heritage. This country was God’s idea which is why it is both loved and hated all around the world.
I saw on the news that the day after I left there were big demonstrations on the Washington Mall regarding our immigration crisis. I saw none of that – everywhere I walked I saw awe and reverence and a sense of pride in the eyes of children and adults. However, I applaud both activities – it is the freedom to protest that is essential to our democracy and makes me all the prouder.
Each place I went, I stopped and prayed and reclaimed our spiritual roots. I extended my hand through the ironwork gate at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and blessed our President and asked God to give him divine wisdom.
Now I’m back home but I don’t want to let up on prayer for our government. Paul says this: “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
If you can visit Washington DC soon, grab the chance. Meanwhile, why don’t you join me in prayer reclaiming our spiritual roots?