Do Good NOW – Luke 16:10

Wake Up Call

How often do you hear people who have relatively little boast about how much they would give IF they were wealthy? Yes, and people often say that IF they won the lottery they would generously give to their church, their friends and good causes? Ah, pity them that they have so little that they cannot do good now.

Wrong. Jesus remarked; ”He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.” (Luke 16:10) Truth is, those who are waiting for “much” before they are generous are probably kidding themselves. They will most likely continue the “unrighteous” pattern they live in now no matter how much they increase.

We never have too little to give something. It is out of faithfulness in what we do have that the generous spirit flourishes best. It is out of giving even a little that we are well prepared for expanding generosity. Also, it’s not true (as we often believe) that our tiny bit is too small to matter to the recipient.

Are you putting off giving until you have what you consider something of substance to give? Examine yourself carefully. Why not be found faithful in ‘a very little thing’ first? Maybe more will be put in your hands and later you will have more to give.

None of us knows our allotted time on the earth or our future. Don”t waste any of it. Do good NOW!



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