When Jesus came walking on the water in the middle of the night and approached the boat where the disciples were rowing they were terribly afraid. He reassured them and got in the boat saying; “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” (Mark 6:50) As he came into the boat the wind ceased and they were greatly amazed.
The scripture goes on to say something very interesting after that. “For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.” (Verse 52) Now what do “the loaves” have to do with anything, especially hard hearts? Aren’t we talking about an incident in the middle of the sea?
Well just the previous night Jesus had supplied food for five thousand out of five loaves and two fish. They saw it happen; in fact they passed the food out to the multitudes. Intellectually they knew it was a miracle but this information never penetrated their heart. Their hearts were hard so when the next need came along (their struggle with wind as they rowed) they never expected a miracle. God’s supernatural power took them by surprise once again.
Are we so different from the disciples? How hard are our hearts? Do we see the sovereign move of God in our life one day and then the next day go back to doubt, fear and unbelief? And yet the Lord graciously gets into the boat with us, calms us down, and moves again to supply our need. So I wonder; even if his deeds don’t soften our heart; shouldn’t his kindness melt us?