
Wake Up Call

When you fall into sin, what is your first thought? Is it, who can I tell? No, probably not. Sin loves darkness and we want plenty of it to cover us when we are swimming in the pool of rebellion. But no matter how we feel, telling someone is the very best thing we can do.

The Bible says; “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:16) Christians are not often encouraged to practice this scriptural mandate but I’ll take a stab at it right now. Confessing is a very useful tool and God is looking out for us in giving it to us.

One of the devil’s favorite tactics is to separate us off from the pack, get us in a lonely place and tell us “Shhh…keep this quiet.” We feel like we are the only one who has ever done this terrible thing and we feel too ashamed to expose it. Yet exposing it brings light and truth and often freedom from it.

As soon as we tell someone, we are honestly admitting the sin. That’s half the battle. Now we can receive the prayer we need that we “may be healed.” It works! Start to develop a relationship of spiritual accountability with a mature trustworthy fellow believer. Make a habit of checking in with them on a regular basis and begin to confess your sins. Keep the light on and keep the darkness away.