The “If – Then Clause”

Wake Up Call

You know how they always say that there’s no free lunch. If an advertisement sounds like it’s too good to be true it probably is. So if you saw a sign; “Free Prosperity and Success here” you would shake your head and mumble to yourself; “Yeah right, I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Well, what if you could actually have prosperity and success but there was a catch to it? Not a bad catch though – something doable. I found one in the Bible and I call it the “If – Then” Clause. It goes like this:

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have a good success.” (Joshua 1:8)

People are always trying to find shortcuts to success. There is a best selling book out that talks about the eight habits (I think it’s eight) of successful people. Success and prosperity are hot stuff in today’s market.

I don’t know what the book says but according to God the first habit should say; “KNOW GOD’S WORD” and the second should say; “DO WHAT IT SAYS”. The result will be a way that is prosperous and good success. I don’t think that’s such a bad deal.

I’m willing to do the “If” to get the “Then”. How about you?



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