Quite a few years ago I had a problem with my knee and the doctor prescribed a daily stretching exercise to alleviate the condition. I resolved to do the exercise every day but at first I didn’t. I would forget and then two or three days would go by and I would remember to do it again.
Finally I picked a definite time. I decided to sandwich it between two other morning routines hoping that would help me get in the habit. That did the trick. The daily stretching became so regular I hardly had to think about it anymore; I could almost do it in my sleep.
Did you know prayer works the same way? Psalm 5:3 says; “In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” If you want to make sure you pray every day, start by establishing a specific time. Mornings are great; that’s what David chose, but choose any time that will work for you. Keep at it even if you miss a few times in the beginning.
We are told that doing any activity for three straight weeks makes it a habit. The prayer habit is a very good one to have. Just think; God is already in the habit of listening for you. Shouldn’t you be in the habit of giving Him something to listen to?