The Comforter – Isaiah 66:13

Wake Up Call

Do you know the Holy Spirit? He revealed himself at Jesus’ baptism in the form of a dove and on the day of Pentecost as “a violent rushing wind” and “tongues as of fire distributing themselves.” (Acts 2)

The Holy Spirit is God; often referred to as the third Person of the Trinity. It is he who convicts us of sin and points us to salvation. As we accept Christ the Holy Spirit actually indwells us. He is God’s presence in the earth today.

Sadly though, we can have a theological understanding of the Holy Spirit without having a personal relationship with him. I cannot say how much I treasure certain memories of his manifest presence in my own life over the years.

One such time was something remarkable he did for me as I was returning to my job from vacation. I don’t think I had ever needed a vacation as much as that one. But because it had been so special I felt great dread to return to work. I wondered how I could face my first day back.

I sat down at my desk with a great sigh. Then as I turned toward my credenza to pick up my pile of phone messages, something extraordinary happened. I felt a wonderful pair of warm hands on my shoulders. Somehow I knew who it was – the Holy Spirit. Oh, the comfort – I can’t adequately describe it.

I thought it would go away after a few minutes but it didn’t. Those warm divine hands stayed on my shoulders for three whole days. I’ll never forget that kindness of God and his personal ministry for my weary soul.

Perhaps you are in need of the Comforter? If you don’t know him, it would be worth your while seeking an introduction.

“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13)



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