Common Sense

Wake Up Call

If you know the story of Hezekiah the king, you know he was one of the “good” guys. He obeyed God, found favor and even got God to extend his life by fifteen years when he was on the verge of death. Even so, he wasn’t perfect and he made a pretty stupid mistake at the height of his power.

A son of the neighboring Babylonian king heard that Hezekiah had been sick and sent him what today would be considered condolences or a “Get Well Soon” card. Perhaps he was taken in by the flattery of the situation but he foolishly “showed them all his treasure house, the silver and the gold and the spices and the precious oil and the house of his armor and all that was found in his treasuries”(2 Kings 20:13).

Bad move! Isaiah the prophet told him how he would end up suffering for this mistake. “‘Behold, the days are coming when all that is in your house, and all that your fathers have laid up in store to this day shall be carried to Babylon; nothing shall be left,’ says the Lord” (Verse 17).

The lesson is that no matter how “spiritual” you are, nothing beats common sense. Natural wisdom is highly underrated, especially by God’s people. There is a saying with some truth in it about someone being so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. Remember that God created the natural and the natural is usually what He uses before the supernatural kicks in.

Pray for wisdom. It will take you far in both your natural and spiritual life. “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).

Do what the scripture says and ask. It’s only common sense.



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