Many Christians greatly fear what is called the Great Tribulation, the seven years before the return of Christ when all hell is going to break loose on the earth. Everyone is hoping that the rapture of believers happens BEFORE it begins. I don’t know how the timing will work; my advice is to be ready at ALL times.
Of course there are many signs that the End is fast approaching. Strange weather; terrorist attacks; abounding wickedness; acceleration of knowledge and a general lawlessness which the scripture says is the spirit of the anti-Christ. Even if we don’t go through the Tribulation, we will surely live through perilous times; in fact, we already are.
But will everyone suffer the effects of the shaking that God is bringing? I believe in many cases, God’s people will be protected in the midst of chaos. I found this little verse of scripture which seems to confirm it. “All you humble of the earth who have carried out His ordinances; seek righteousness, seek humility. Perhaps you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.” (Zephaniah 2:3)
I remember a story from the big tsunami a couple of years ago. A lady and her family were spared because; “As Providence would have it, we slept in that morning, which was unusual, and were awakened to watch people floating by. But we were safe in our hotel room above the surge.”
Yes, sometimes the innocent suffer in tragedies and there is no absolute guarantee we will avoid the distress of the times. On the other hand, do what the Lord says: seek righteousness and humility now. Pray for protection. Perhaps YOU will be hidden from evil in that day.