I had an early dramatic demonstration of the scriptural admonition, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right”(Ephesians 6:1) long before I knew the scripture existed. I was probably only about four or five years old.
We were out in the front yard on a beautiful summer afternoon. My mother had spread a blanket on the grass with toys and snacks. I begged to go barefoot which I considered the pinnacle of joy and undreamed of happiness. Yes, my mother said, I could go barefoot AS LONG AS I stayed on the blanket. Yes, Yes, I agreed – anything to go barefoot.
As soon as I was barefoot however, the small square of blanket seemed so confining. My little toes began to creep toward the edge. The points of the blades of grass were so alluring. As I ran my hand over them I knew my feet were itching to experience them also. When my mother was paying attention to something else I plopped my whole foot straight down into the grass. I came down directly on a bee.
My scream was blood curdling. I had no idea such pain existed – I knew nothing about the power of a bee sting. The other thing I didn’t know about was that disobedience could produce such an immediate negative result. I never forgot it. I won’t say I never disobeyed again but I was always very wary of doing so.
The scripture in Ephesians goes on to give the advantage of obeying and honoring your parents; “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:3) For me, that lesson was a stinging success!