Maybe you’ve already heard this story because I guess it was on national news. It’s about Butch and Dusty, two Labrador Retrievers, and how they saved the life of their owner who is diabetic.
When the man collapsed in a field while walking with them, one of the dogs lay on his chest to keep him warm and the other held a lit flashlight in his mouth until someone noticed it from the road and came to help. Even that part of the story is phenomenal.
A Deputy Sheriff had just pulled a woman over for speeding and it was in that moment that he saw a light coming from the field and decided to investigate. Exactly the right timing! The dogs have been on TV and are being credited with saving their owner’s life. I agree; man’s best friend often does remarkable things in the service of people.
But–I was also glad to hear that the dog owner believes “there is a higher hand in all of this.” Yes, I would say so! Could there have been angels around, helping out? I don’t know what this man believes, but the Bible says of angels; “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14)
To me it is a comfort knowing that God cares so much about us that he assigns angels to due his bidding for us in mostly untold ways. I can’t say for sure if that’s what happened here but I wouldn’t be surprised. You know what acute hearing dogs have. Were they simply obeying the commands of one unseen that certain night in the field?