You have all seen those offers that seem too good to be true. For instance, ads to work at home for $800+ a week or ground floor investments that promise over the top return. The appeal of such schemes is giving little and receiving much.
Over the years, I’ve often seen the Christian walk presented like such a scheme. Just come to Jesus and all your troubles will be over. You will be healed, prospered and blessed. That prodigal child will return, that errant husband will turn around, that disease will leave, those bills will disappear. Just say these few words and you will practically walk in heaven upon the earth.
Is that why so many who said those few words walked only for a short time with the Savior and then fell away? Did they not know; “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”? (Matthew 16:24) Didn’t anyone tell them that when we decide to follow Christ, it is not for what we can get but for what we must give? Jesus followed with this: “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Verse 25)
Of course, we can’t ever pay for what Jesus did for us on the cross. It is true that God offers us free what we have nothing to pay for – no amount of works will secure our salvation. But being a DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ costs us everything. Nothing but Jesus is worth it.