We should be in real awe every time we see Christians in a spirit of unity. I know, I know…shouldn’t that be the norm? Yes, I agree it SHOULD be but in a couple thousand years we have seen far too little of the unity the Holy Spirit established in the infant church on Pentecost.
Remember this? “And day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.” (Acts 2:46) In the beginning there was no in-fighting, arguing over theological fine points or competition between denominations. In fact, there were no denominations; just believers in Jesus Christ.
Let’s be honest here; we cannot create unity because it is the gift of God but we can destroy it. We are called to be; “diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3) To whatever degree unity has broken down or fallen away, it is from our lack of preserving it.
How can we preserve unity? We can make sure we NEVER bad mouth our brothers and sisters in the Lord. That does not just mean individuals but churches and movements as well. That means even when they fail to live fully up to the image of Christ. We must not be those who shoot our own wounded.
There is a prayer Jesus prayed that is still waiting fulfillment. He said; “that they may all be one…” (John 17:21) Could it be that after two millennia we are close? Yes, if we cooperate with the Holy Spirit and preserve unity.