There is a command in scripture that I believe some ignore because they secretly think: “You can’t be serious God.” It’s a simple command but seems quite improbable to fulfill. A verse with only three words, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says: “pray without ceasing.”
Even if one prayed all day, we all know we have to sleep so no one would make it past the first day. Yet, there it is in the Bible so what is meant by it? Actually, there is a way to pray without ceasing. Prayer is not limited to the conversations we have with God; it is not only our requests to him or our praise and worship.
Another scripture gives us a clue about how to pray without ceasing. “present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” (Romans 12:1) Once we have laid our whole life down for the service of the Lord, all that we do – even sleep, is prayer.
It’s like keeping background music playing all the time. It is always there if you want to stop and listen for it, but it doesn’t prevent you from doing the dishes or talking on the phone or changing a tire.
Most of us could probably increase our intentional prayer time every day. We should make a disciplined attempt to do so. Yet, when we view our whole life as centered on God; when we know that in the deepest part of our heart he is number one; we can obey the command to pray without ceasing.