I just heard a follow up report of an evangelistic crusade in my city through an email yesterday. Many young people are accepting Christ for the first time and some who are responding to the invitation have not heard the message before and are not used to a church environment.
Therefore, it seemed remarkable to the speaker the manner in which one twelve year old girl approached the altar area. Everyone was simply asked to come to the front of the stage if they were giving their heart to Jesus but as soon as she arrived she spontaneously knelt down.
Suddenly everyone else knelt down too on the hard auditorium floor. I guess she started something. Kneeling isn’t so popular anymore, whether in church or out. But kneeling is a singularly humble position to take. Maybe it’s due for a comeback.
It reminds me of Peter when Christ’s identity became real to him as Jesus filled their nets with fish. “But when Simon Peter saw that, he fell down at Jesus’ feet, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord'” (Luke 5:8)!
When we kneel we recognize who God is in comparison to who we are. Psalm 95:6 tell us how appropriate it is. “Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”
Perhaps kneeling down in awe and acknowledgement of our great God isn’t so outmoded after all. When Jesus becomes REAL as He did to a young girl here a couple of nights ago it actually seems a perfect response.