Have you ever felt spiritual weight? I have a friend whose left arm sometimes feels very heavy – yet not in a physical sense. She has an intense desire to see healing in our day the way Jesus healed people. Often in a meeting, when people who need physical healing are called forward for prayer, this weightiness comes upon her.
For years she didn’t understand what it was but she finally had the opportunity to ask a mature man of God with a prophetic anointing. He told her; “That’s the weight of God’s glory.” Thereafter, whenever she experienced it she always tried to pray for the sick.
My friend has been through much adversity and she has fought some very intense spiritual battles. I believe with each one of them she is adding to her deposit of “glory weight.” There is a scripture that seems to confirm it. “For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.” (2 Corinthians 4:17)
Whatever weight of glory we accumulate in our life through trials on earth will carry into eternity. Even now though, the weight has a purpose. Those who are heavy with God’s glory will be the ones anointed to lift heavy burdens off the oppressed. I know one day my friend will see what her heavy arm promises.
Do you feel weighed down with trials, afflictions and warfare? Maybe, like my friend, you are destined to be a great weight lifter.