The Best Plans – Jeremiah 29:11

Wake Up Call

I like to read bumper stickers and just saw one yesterday that caught my eye. It said; Remember Who You Wanted To Be. How nice, I thought. Go back and examine your childhood dreams and see where you stand in comparison to where you wanted to end up. Maybe remembering will reactivate an old dream.

But the next thought that hit my mind is that a lot of people never figured out “what they wanted to be when they grew up.” It’s common for high school graduates to head for college without definite plans. Many graduate from college and still don’t know what they want to do with their life. Many don’t really have dreams.

What if you don’t know who you wanted to be? Don’t despair; there is something better than your own dreams. There is God’s dream for you. Every person created has a divine plan. God knew EXACTLY what he wanted you to be. He knows every gift and talent and he has destined every person for greatness even if they never achieve it. But it is a shame when they don’t because it is such a waste of the one life we have to live.

If you are one who had a dream yet unfulfilled, go back to it. Pray over it and line up some steps to complete it. If you have never known what you were destined for, ask God. He knows and he will tell you. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” (Jeremiah 29:11)