Aunt Helen – Psalm 116:15

Wake Up Call

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15). I can just imagine why that is true. There sits the Lord up in heaven eagerly watching the activity down here on earth. He sees cruelty and wickedness and depravity and sin all day long by those who choose to walk apart from him.

Then He looks upon one of His saints. What a different kind of life. My Aunt Helen was one of His saints and she was welcomed into heaven just about a week ago. What a pleasure it must have been for the Lord as He watched her for 84 years not just talk the talk but walk the walk.

Here is what is said about her in the family: no one can remember one single instance when she said anything negative about another person. She never made a judgment about anyone. Never. She had a quiet humble spirit and a wonderful infectious laugh. She had some bitter disappointments in life but she was never bitter. Though she was little known on earth she was no doubt famous in heavenly circles.

I did not get to attend the funeral in Louisville, Ky. but I was told that she had the most exquisite expression on her face in her casket and that she barely looked 60 years old much less 84. It’s easy to see why God would look forward to the day when He could say to Helen; “Well done good and faithful servant.”

I want to live in such a way that heaven eagerly awaits my arrival, don’t you? I want my death to be precious in His sight. Let’s not live each day for itself alone; let’s live each day like Aunt Helen did — for eternity.




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