If you have a dream in your heart that is still awaiting fulfillment I join you expectantly, looking to our great God to bring it to pass. After all, Psalm 138:8 says: “The Lord will accomplish what concerns me.” Nothing is impossible with him.
I only have one warning for you: better make sure God is the author of that dream. What God initiates, He accomplishes but our own dreams may often crash and burn. I know; I’ve attended a number of funerals of dreams that God never birthed in me in the first place.
Remember Joseph. (Genesis 37-46) Joseph had a big dream when he was seventeen – one he had to hold onto until he was thirty. He could do it despite all the obstacles because the dream really came from God. In the end, every detail came to pass. That’s probably why Joseph could forgive his brothers, recognizing that God used every obstacle to his benefit in fulfilling his divine destiny.
Well, how do you know for sure if it is God’s dream or one that came out of your own heart or flesh? Sometimes we feel; “I want this so badly; it must be God.” Our own will is so strong and our heart deceitful. Ask yourself this: can you lay the dream down and walk away? Can you get your heart to say; “Not my will but yours be done, Lord.”
Don’t worry about whether your dream is impossible or not. Only worry about whose dream it is.