I’m sorry to hit you with this in case you don’t already know it but faith isn’t just a given if you have a relationship with Christ; it is something you have to fight for. More accurately, the Bible uses the word “contend.” Jude 3 says; “I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”
Wouldn’t you rather collect a bag of faith down at the altar in the beginning of your Christian walk and then never have to worry about it again? Well it doesn’t work that way. We have to contend for faith every day.
What does this mean? It means tenaciously holding to every truth of our faith and fighting off any attempt to water it down or distort it. I’m not talking about just maintaining doctrinal purity; it’s possible for that to be legalism in disguise and not real faith after all.
No, I mean such things as loving when hate would be the natural response. I mean standing on the promises of God when circumstances would make that appear foolish. I’m talking about pressing through in prayer when no results are seen month after month. That is the kind of faith that holds back doubt, discouragement and unbelief.
If your spirits are flagging and you feel dull of heart in the faith department, Jude had you in mind when he wrote this passage to fellow believers. He knew they needed a pep talk and maybe you do too. Faith isn’t a freebie. Contend for it – earnestly!