Are You Willing? – 1 Samuel 15:22

Wake Up Call

One of my close friends is starting a new project at work. Even though she is fully qualified; when she steps back and looks at how large the whole thing is and how many repercussions there are she is a bit overwhelmed. It feels almost TOO big for her to tackle.

She was mulling this over as she drove to work when suddenly God dropped an insight into her heart that changed everything. The Lord gave her the word “willingness”. She called me right away and said, “Our qualifications for any God given task are not as important as our willingness.” Yes, how right that is!

Scripture confirms this principle. 1 Samuel 15:22 says; “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.” This was spoken to King Saul after he disobeyed God but excused it by pretty much saying, “Yeah, but look what I sacrificed instead.” In order to obey we have to be willing whether or not we feel qualified.

If we supply the willingness, God will supply the ability. Now, look at your own life. Is God calling you to do something for him but you don’t see any way you can? You are scared, intimidated, in denial, slow to hear, reluctant?

None of that matters. Clear the deck of all your mental clutter. The question is: will you do it anyhow? Are you willing?