The gospel of Mark has an interesting detail about the resurrection of Jesus. It is often said that Mark’s gospel is written from Peter’s perspective and that Mark got his information from Peter who was a spiritual father to him.
In that light, this detail has much meaning. When the woman came to Jesus’ burial place on Sunday morning with spices they encountered an angel sitting inside the tomb. To their amazement, he informed them that the Lord had risen and was not there. Then he said; “‘But go, tell His disciples and Peter.'”(Mark 16:7) Peter was singled out. Why?
Just three days before, on Passover, Peter had denied that he even knew Jesus. Peter was vehement that it would never happen but of course it did. As soon as he had done so, “Peter remembered how Jesus had made the remark to him, ‘Before a cock crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” (Mark 14:72) Then it says that Peter began to weep.
Can you imagine how Peter felt knowing that the last time he had seen his Lord he had betrayed him? He certainly wouldn’t be expecting much in the way of special treatment. If Jesus rose from the dead, why should he have any part in it? That’s why it is so significant for the angel to say; “and Peter.” Jesus wanted him to know that he was still accepted, still considered one of his disciples. He had the angel say the words that would confirm to Peter he was forgiven and still loved.
Have you betrayed your Savior through sin and rebellion? Have you repented yet you don’t see how you can ever be used again? Jesus IS risen and he’s calling your name. Remember Peter.