In my house there is a large window on the landing of my second floor covered by glass block. I had this done many years ago because insulation and privacy were both issues and this seemed the perfect solution. So it has been. I pass that window quite a bit, especially in the morning going back and forth between the bedroom and bathroom.
The clear yet wavy glass lets in light but the images are distorted. I can’t tell if it is raining or snowing and I can’t see the sky – except whether it is light or not. Even after all this time I sometimes stare intently at it trying to see more clearly what is going on outside.
Paul the Apostle said that “for now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12) Mysteries. There are so many of them in our Christian walk. In the beginning I thought that there was an answer to everything in the Bible and if I would study enough I would find it.
Now I see that God has purposefully left many things like my glass block window. He has not done so to frustrate us but to invite us to walk out our life in faith. It’s the nature of this earthly existence. We often stare intently at the mysteries in our life as though if we look hard enough they will become clear. Sometimes they do, often not.
I have come to this conclusion: it is not as important for me to see everything clearly now as it is to know that God always does. He has no glass block windows in heaven. He will remove mine when I get there.