A Sure Thing – Proverbs 19:21

Wake Up Call

I was talking to a friend recently about how far to go in praying specifically when you may find out later you were going against God’s best plan. For instance, my friend once held onto a house tooth and nail, thinking Satan was trying to steal it from her when God actually wanted to move her on to a much better house and a much greater blessing.

We wonder: what is God’s part and what is our part? How much do I do about a situation in the natural and how much do I rest in God’s sovereignty? For me, I can go around in circles for hours thinking about it and never come to a satisfactory conclusion. I guess God knows my mind is numb from it and He just gave me a little rest. I’ll happily share it with you.

I was flipping through a small book I have called Pocket Proverbs and my eyes fell on this: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21, NIV). I breathed a sigh of relief. Even if I foolishly insist that God agree with my will in a matter He’s watching out for me. I may pray right or wrong but it is His purposes that will win out.

My friend DID eventually get into her new house of blessing and she is enjoying it to this day. I like knowing that God is trustworthy even when my motivations may not be. Never mind uncertainty; trusting in God like that is a sure thing.



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