Once when I was little a bunch of kids from my neighborhood were playing in our front yard. It was late afternoon when a sudden downpour let loose, drenching us. We shrieked and giggled and then made a bee line for our breezeway to watch it rain. That is, all of us except one boy.
He continued to stand in the rain screaming, frozen in panic and fear as we yelled “C’mon in.” Finally someone told my mother who was in the kitchen cooking dinner and she ran out and got him. I don’t know why that memory stands out so clear to this day but it always reminds me of how differently people react to things. We thought it was a great adventure and he thought it was the end of the world.
Sometimes the acts of the Holy Spirit produce similar reactions in people. A move of the Holy Spirit will begin and some are delighted and welcome it. Others panic and are fearful. Sometimes it is because they don’t like change. Or maybe they don’t think any of “those people” should be visited or the move is way too noisy or disorderly for their taste. Rather than receive, they raise a ruckus.
If the Holy Spirit pays you or your church a visit without warning one day, how will you react? It must have been a great surprise to the 120 in the upper room when “suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” (Acts 2:2)
But when the Holy Spirit called; “C’mon in!” they did.