When my children were little they didn’t understand how money worked. If I said we didn’t have the money to go out to dinner or buy a new toy they would suggest: “Just go to the bank and get some Mom!” They didn’t know that if I didn’t keep putting money in I couldn’t keep drawing it out.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a bank account that stayed full all the time? To have someone keep making deposits for you so that no matter how much you drew out it would never run empty? What we often don’t understand is that in the spiritual realm we do have such an account.
Through his death on the cross, Jesus Christ made a deposit in each of our life accounts big enough to cover any need. Do we need healing? It is on account. Do we have a sin that needs to be forgiven? He paid it — we can write against our account. He made the deposit but we are free to draw from it at any time. Wonderfully, our account will never run out.
Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us that “you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession.” It is the Holy Spirit that is like our debit card, always reminding us we have a full account which can be accessed twenty four hours a day.
If you forgot about a bank account with plenty of money in it you would be poor indeed as you struggled to make ends meet. Well don’t forget about this one. Why should you let all that grace and forgiveness and wholeness sit in a dusty safe deposit box? Start making withdrawals!