Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Question: Who is the Holy Spirit? – VJ from Nevada The Answer Part 1: The Person of the Holy Spirit Part 2: Function and move in the earth today The Person of the Holy Spirit (Part 1) I’m glad your question asked “who” the Holy Spirit is...
Who is the Holy Spirit?

Is it nervy to test God like Gideon did?

The Question: I have been reading Judges and I just got done reading about Gideon and two things strike me. The first is how many times he tests God. He has an awful lot of nerve testing God once but then multiple times. Why does God go along with this and yet the...
Who is the Holy Spirit?

Once saved, always saved?

The Question: Do you think once saved, always saved? If so, please explain. – No name or city given The Answer Part 1: The Debate Part 2: How are we saved? Part 3: Repercussions The Debate (Part 1) No, I do not believe once saved, always saved. But I do think it...
Who is the Holy Spirit?

More about Speaking in Tongues

The Question: Some people say that you are not really saved unless you speak in tongues. Do you believe this to be true? I know that it is a popular to speak in tongues these days. However, I also know that Billy Graham is a great man of God who has led many people to...
Who is the Holy Spirit?

About Speaking in Tongues

The Question: I have a question about a spiritual gift. What is the difference between the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of a prayer language? – Nancy H. from Alabama The Answer Part 1: Speaking In Tongues Part 2: Prayer Language Speaking In Tongues...