Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

I remember an old business friend of mine proudly displaying home grown cotton in his office one year. Cotton does not grow well in the Midwest to begin with and then on top of that we had a drought that summer. Still, he had a harvest! As I congratulated his...
Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

Squeeze In – Mark 10:14

We are told to “draw near with confidence to the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16) yet when we think about God’s greatness we often feel more like shrinking back. At least that’s how I have often felt, how about you? Our picture of Creator God on...
Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

Night Light

The nighttime visit of the angels to the shepherds out in their fields at the birth of Christ is a telling detail of the Christmas story. It reminds us of something important about God becoming man: it is in darkness that light can best be seen. I well remember how...
Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

Live By Emotions?

I was recently reading the testimony of a recovering drug addict. He said that a life changing concept for him in overcoming his habit was being told that emotions are not facts. This was revolutionary to his thinking because he took drugs over the years partly...
Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

The Pig Pen – Luke 15:18

There is an anonymous quote which says: “You can’t escape until you realize that you are a prisoner.” How true! It reminds me of a story Jesus told of the prodigal son who was smart enough to realize he was a prisoner and subsequently escape. The...
Deep Roots – Jeremiah 17:8

Ouchie – Psalm 147:3

Have you ever met a person best described as “Ouchie”? They are super sensitive and their feelings get hurt quite easily. You wonder why they have such thin skin. This story may help to explain it. Once as a child I fell off my bike and busted open my knee...